Holy narrow ways

Electrically assisted bicycleAverage17.0 km1 h 30 minLoop
179 Rue de la Mairie
07270 Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze
Continue the spiritual route as you rise towards sublime panoramas. As soon as you leave Gilhoc-sur-Ormèze, the St-Etienne church opens its doors, where after a road of « l’Ardéchoise » will take you to the village of Colombier-le-jeune. Linger a few moments to visit the Notre-Dame de l’Assomption church. Take the Col des Croix road and the Croisières route where the views will follow one another, sometimes over the Doux valley and northern Ardèche, sometimes over the Rhône valley and the Vercors. Then complete the course not missing the view of the Château des Boscs.

Your contact

Agence Développement Touristique de l'Ardèche
Pôle Bésignoles, 6 Rte des Mines, 07000 Privas
07000 Privas
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On the itinerary

Micro Brasserie Kan Mêm

Micro Brasserie Kan Mêm

Negative elevation (descent): 340 m
Positive elevation (ascent): 340 m

Route development

100% shared roads

Road surfaces

215 m on asphalt or tarred road
18.6 km on unknown surface in the Open Street Map database

Agence Développement Touristique de l'Ardèche